§ 18-153. Same—Notice.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    When there exists any unsightly, dangerous and unlawful building, ruin, porch, awning or structure or when such may be constructed in violation of city ordinances, the building inspector or such other officer or employee who may be authorized by the city manager shall condemn the building, porch, ruin, awning or structure.


    Such officer shall file with the building official notice of such condemnation, which notice shall contain the following:


    The description of the building or structure condemned, together with the description by metes and bounds or by lot number of the property upon which such building or structure is located.


    The names of the occupants of the property and the names, places of residence, legal disabilities, if any, and interest of owners, if known, or if any of these facts are unknown it shall be so stated.


    The reason for condemning the building, ruin, awning, porch or structure.

(Code 1988, § 6-155; Ord. No. 02-04, § 2, 3-28-02)