§ 18-151. Standard code adopted.  

Latest version.
  • There is adopted by the city for the purposes of establishing rules and regulations pertaining to or in any related to any and all buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing systems which are unsafe, unsanitary, or do not provide adequate egress, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or which in relation to existing use, constitute a hazard to safety or health, are considered unsafe buildings or unsafe service systems the Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code as published by SBCCI, and as such may be amended, modified or updated by SBCCI (the "abatement code"). The abatement code is adopted and fully incorporated herein as if fully set out at length in this section, save and except such portions as are deleted, added, modified or amended in this article. One copy of the abatement code is on file in the office of the building official. All such unsafe buildings, structures or service systems are hereby declared illegal and shall be abated by repair and rehabilitation or by demolition in accordance with the provisions of the abatement code, or other provisions of the building and property maintenance regulations of the city. All repairs shall be performed in accordance with the Florida Building Code.

(Ord. No. 02-04, § 2, 3-28-02)