§ 118-1672. Parking.

Latest version.
  • The requirements for on-site vehicular parking spaces within the gateway overlay district are as follows:

    Land Use Type Required Spaces
    Residential 1.5 sp/unit
    Live/Work 2.5 sp/unit
    Commercial 3.0 sp/1,000 sf
    Manufacturing N/A
    Civic/Institutional By study


    The parking location on site shall be as follows:

    Zone I Not Permitted
    Zone II Permitted, subject to screening requirements
    Zone III Permitted
    Zone IV Not Permitted


    See 4.1.6: Parking Location Diagram in the Design Plan.

    (Ord. No. 17-06, § 2(Exh. A), 6-22-17)


    Commercial Corridor Plant Material List.

    All required landscape materials shall be selected from the Commercial Corridor Plant Materials List. These common plant materials shall be used along streets, buildings, buffers, and parking lots.

    All new plant material to be used for material required in division 3 landscape design standards shall be container grown and shall equal the standards for Florida No. 1 as set forth in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants", Part I, 1963 and Part II State of Florida Department of Agriculture, and any amendments thereto. Plant material should be evaluated by texture, color, ultimate growth, Xeriscape properties and ease of maintenance.

    Decorative plant materials, not included on the list, may be used only with written city approval. All landscape materials shall be allowed to grow in a natural condition and not be pruned back to avoid growth.

    Canopy trees may be substituted for understory trees at a rate of three understory trees equal to one canopy tree. Palms may be used as an alternate for canopy tree requirements at a rate of three palms to one canopy tree except along buffers adjacent to residential uses. Understory tree substitution shall not be employed to eliminate 50 percent or more of required canopy trees.

    Recreational Vehicles (RV's), Automobile/Truck and Boating Sales.

    In the special case of front & side buffers for automobile/truck sale, recreational vehicle sale or boat sale property uses, all canopy trees shall be allowed to be substituted in favor of understory or palm trees in order to protect on site merchandise from leaf/bird droppings. For these uses only, two understory trees or palms may be substituted for one required canopy tree if the understory trees are at least 65-gallon industry standard or palms are at least 12 foot clear trunk height. Understory trees shall not be substituted for canopy trees adjacent to rear buffers or residential uses.


    Canopy shade trees. Canopy trees shall be, at minimum: Two-inch to two and one-half-inch caliper, eleven to twelve foot height, five foot clear trunk, five-foot spread, container grown. (30-gallon tree container industry standards)

    Acer rubrum Red Maple*
    Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum*
    Pinus elliottii Slash Pine
    Pinus palustris Longleaf Pine
    Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine
    Quercus laurifolia Laurel Oak
    Quercus shumaridii Shumard Oak
    Quercus virginiana Live Oak
    Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia
    *These trees best placed in naturally wet areas such as swales and along retention basins



    Understory/ornamental trees. Understory/ornamental trees shall be, at minimum: One and one-half-inch to two-inch caliper, five- to seven-foot height overall, three-foot spread, container grown. (15-gallon tree container industry standards.)

    Eriobotrya japonica Loquat
    Gordonia lasianthus Loblolly Bay*
    Ilex cassine Dahoon Holly*
    Ilex opaca (or x attenuata) American Holly and cultivars
    Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress*
    Ulmus alata Winged Elm
    Ulmus parvifolia 'Drake' Drake Elm


    Multi-trunk trees shall have three to four one-inch trunks, minimum.

    Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle
    Ligustrum japonicum Tree Ligustrum
    Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle
    *These trees best placed in naturally wet areas such as swales and along retention basins



    Understory/ornamental trees (palms). Understory/ornamental palm trees shall be, at minimum: height varies, minimum eight feet clear trunk.

    Sabal palmetto Cabbage Palm
    Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm
    Washingtonia robusta Washington Palm



    Hedges, shrubs and groundcovers. All hedge, shrub and groundcover landscaped areas shall be planted to achieve 100 coverage of the planting area within one year of installation. All continuous shrub hedges shall be installed at minimum 24″ overall height and maintained at a height of 36″—42″ and 90 percent opacity within one year of planting.


    All hedges/shrubs shall be, at minimum: three gallon, container grown, planted 36″ on center maximum spacing. Plant count at 36″ triangular spacing equals planting area x .129.

    Galphimia gracilis Thryallis
    Ilex cornuta 'Burfordi' Burford Holly
    Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Holly
    Ixora Ixora
    Ligustrum japonica Glossy Privet
    Nerium oleander 'petite salmon' Dwarf Oleander
    Pittosporum tobira Pittosporum
    Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated Pittosporum
    Raphiolepis 'majestic beauty' Large Indian Hawthorn
    Rhododendron Azalea
    Serenoa repens Saw Palmetto
    Viburnum odoratissimum Sweet Viburnum


    All groundcover plants shall be, at minimum: one gallon, container grown, planted 24″ on center maximum spacing. Plant count at 24″ triangular spacing equals planting area x .290.

    Annuals Annuals (4" pots, planted 6"-12" on center)
    Aspidistra elatior Cast Iron Plant
    Cleyera japonica Cleyera
    Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Allyson' Heather
    Dietes vegeta African Iris
    Evolvulus glomeratus Blue Daze
    Hedera canariensis Algerian Ivy
    Hedera helix English Ivy
    Hemerocallis Daylily
    Ilex vomitoria 'nana' Dwarf Yaupon Holly
    Juniperus conferta 'compacta' Shore Juniper
    Juniperus squamata 'parsoni' Parson's Juniper
    Lantana montevidensis Purple Lantana
    Lantana camara 'Gold Mound' Yellow Lantana
    Lirope muscari 'Variegated Giant' Aztec Grass
    Lirope muscari 'Evegreen Giant' Evergreen Giant Liriope
    Pennisetum setaceum Fountain Grass
    Plumbago auriculata Leadwort
    Raphiolepis 'alba' Dwarf Indian Hawthorn
    Rhododendron Azalea
    Rhoeo discolor Oyster Plant
    Spartina bakeri Cordgrass
    Trachelospermum asiaticum Dwarf Asian Jasmine
    Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate Jasmine
    Tulbaghia violacea Society Garlic
    Zamia pumila Coontie


    Accents: Limited use, may count toward total landscape area requirement.

    Cycas revoluta Sago Palm
    Crinum asiaticum Crinum Lily
    Hibicus Hibiscus
    Philodendron selloum Philodendron
    Phoenix reclinata Senegal Date Palm
    Rhapis excelsa Lady Palm
    Strelitzia nicolai White Bird of Paradise
    Strelitzia regina Bird of Paradise





    All landscape areas not planted with shrubs and groundcovers, mulched, or left in a natural vegetative state shall be sodded with St. Augustine "Floratam" solid sod.


    The sod shall be in good condition, free of weeds, two inches in thickness and planted within 24 hours of arrival to the site. The planting method shall avoid continuous running sod joints. All areas where a solid joint is not achieved shall be filled with topsoil or sprigs of grass sod.


    Approved aquatic plant material list. Upper littoral zone (six inches above or below the normal water level).

    Taxodium disticum Bald Cypress (large native tree)
    Iris hexagona Blue Flag Iris (native perennial)
    Scirpus califoricus Giant Bulrush
    Canna flaccida Golden Canna (native plant)
    Spartina Bakeri Cordgrass


    Middle littoral zone (from one inch to three inches below normal water level).

    Sagittatia lancifolia Arrowhead (native plant)
    Taxodium ascendens Pond Cypress (large native tree)
    Pontederia cordata Pickerel Weed (native perennial plant)


    Lower littoral zone (from three inches to five inches below normal water level)

    Nymphaea odorata Fragrant White Water Lily


    Other aquatic plants may be used from the List of Aquatic Plants Found in Florida, as prepared by the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Aquatic Plant Management.

(Ord. No. 03-30, § 2B(App.), 9-17-03)