§ 118-1652. Planned unit development.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The character area planned unit development (CAPUD) zoning category is hereby created as an additional mechanism to implement this article. Additional standards governing the character area planned unit development zoning category are set forth in article V of this chapter.


    The use of character area planned unit development zoning is encouraged for the lands within the character area. Character area planned unit development zoning allows for a mixture of permitted uses that a parcel's or lot's current underlying zoning district may not. Further, the character area planned unit development zoning provides some flexibility to allow minor deviations from the strict requirements of this article without the need to meet the requirements of an administrative waiver.


    The city recognizes the constraints of meeting the development standards of this article for an infill development project and the use of character area planned unit development zoning is encouraged to address and approve required deviations for such projects beyond those of which may be granted by administrative waiver.


    In addition to the rezoning criteria, when considering a rezoning to character area planned unit development that incorporates deviations from the development standards of this article, the city shall consider the extent to which the proposed development, taken as a whole:


    Advances the stated vision and principles of the character area, including:


    Promotes modes of transportation other than the automobile, including walking and transit;


    Creates a built environment that is in scale with pedestrian-oriented activities and provides visual interest and orientation for pedestrians; and


    Contributes to a mix of uses in the area that are compatible with each other and work together to support the stated vision.


    Is consistent with the intent of the standards applicable to the sub-district and district in which it is located.


    Is physically and functionally integrated with the built environment in which it is located; and


    The potential impacts of the proposed deviation on surrounding properties and the extent to which any adverse impacts from such deviation can be mitigated.


    A development of lots and parcels within the gateway overlay district or multi-use development (MUD) future land use designated properties within the character area may obtain densities and intensity bonuses up to a maximum density of 30 dwelling units per acre for residential and maximum of 2.0 FAR for commercial and office uses provided that the developer/owner submits an application for and obtains a rezoning to a character area planned unit development designation, complies with the requirements of this article and proves that the proposed development is in substantial compliance with the principles and guidelines set forth in the design plan. The implementation of this subsection is contingent upon and subject to the city commission's adoption of comprehensive plan policies providing for such density bonuses.

(Ord. No. 17-06, § 2(Exh. A), 6-22-17)