§ 118-1641. Administrative waiver.  

Latest version.
  • An administrative waiver may be granted by the community development director from those certain development standards of this article as set forth in the Table A (allowable administrative waivers) below upon making the required findings.

    Table A - Allowable Administrative Waivers

    Administrative Relief Type Required Findings Allowed Administrative Relief
    Lot Dimensions. A decrease or increase in the minimum building requirements. Increasing and/or decreasing the size of the building lot will provide some modifications for site constraints, parking garage dimensions, that do not change and/or alter the overall block perimeter requirements or building relief requirements as set forth in the standards. 15% maximum
    Dwelling Unit Size. A decrease in the minimum dwelling unit size. Decreasing the unit size requirement will provide for flexibility of market availabilities and need within the area. 20% maximum
    Mix of Uses. An adjustment of the target mix of uses by sub-district. Permitting a range of a mix within a sub-district to allow for some flexibility without creating a single use development is permitted. 5—10% mix adjustments, per land use
    Parks. An adjustment of percentage of park space required by development area. Reducing the percentage of park space required because of proximity of existing parks site constraints, etc. 1—2% maximum
    Parking Zones. Where parking areas cannot be located in the rear if the parcel because of site constraints. If parking has to be located adjacent to a street, because of site constraints, a street wall edge may be considered when designated with landscape and hardscape materials that provide 100% visual coverage up to 36" in height. Parking zone location modifications only where site constraints exist and restrict the minimum parking ratios to maximum parking standards.
    Maximum Block Perimeter. An increase in the maximum block perimeter may be considered if site constraints (adjacent to natural systems or SR 429 or a roadway with access restrictions). Increasing the block perimeter would not adversely affect the walkability of the area as denoted in that character area. May require additional pedestrian pathways. 10% maximum
    Street Section. Modify the size, type of new street. Provisions to reduce size of travel lanes without reducing parking, tree/planter or walkways. Reduction of travel lane, design only
    Landscape. Spacing and percentage may be adjusted. Provides flexibility if an applicant exceeds the minimum size requirement by tree and/or shrub species or preserves existing trees and shrubs on site. Reduction of percentage of coverage by 5%
    Landscape Palette. Selection flexibility. An applicant may proposed a similar species of tree/shrub for consideration. Species change is permitted if considered Florida friendly.


(Ord. No. 17-06, § 2(Exh. A), 6-22-17)