§ 118-1536. General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparcels, shall be designed to provide safe, convenient and efficient lighting for pedestrians and vehicles. Lighting shall be designed in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire project. Lighting shall be used to accent key architectural elements and/or to emphasize landscape features, and shall be designed and installed to avoid the creation of hot spots, glare or a nuisance. Please refer to Ordinance 08-01; amending City Code sections 118-1536, 118-1537 and 118-1538 of article X, chapter 118, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter Garden for additional lighting requirements.



    Light fixtures shall be designed as dark skies lighting and shall be an integral design element that complements the design of the project through style, material or color. All light poles and fixtures shall be black, dark green or some similarly dark color that is consistent with the architectural design scheme of the property. Lighting of on-site buildings shall be limited to wall-washer type fixtures or up-lights, which do not produce spillover lighting or glare. Site lighting shall not incorporate floodlight fixtures mounted on building walls, roofs, or poles. Light fixtures shall be full cut off with zero light above 90 degrees.


    To provide cohesiveness and uniformity, a lighting plan prepared by an architect or engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida shall be submitted to the city as part of an application for site plan, special exception permit or subdivision approval, and said professional shall: (1) certify that the lighting plans are compliant with the requirements of the design standards and regulations provided for herein; or (2) so certify to the extent said lighting plans are compliant with the requirements of the design standards and regulations provided for herein and provide a written explanation for any deviations.


    Lighting levels for fire lanes or driveways at building entrances shall not exceed five foot-candles (fc). Lighting at fire lanes or driveways at building entrances may exceed allowable standards of intensity for safety purposes upon demonstration to the city that compliance with these lighting criteria would otherwise create a safety hazard, provided, however, that such lights shall be directed downward to minimize spillover lighting and glare.


    Lighting intensities for ATM machines shall comply with Florida Statutes.


    Lighting intensities shall be designed as recommended by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).


    A light fixture (the pole and light source/luminary) shall be a maximum of 30 feet in height within any parking lot, and a maximum of 16 feet in height within any non-vehicular pedestrian area (with height being measured from the finished grade to the top of the light fixture).


    At service stations and convenience centers, lighting under awnings, canopies, porte-cocheres, etcetera, should be recessed. If not recessed, the box type or other lighting fixture shall be opaque on all sides (no light shall emanate from any side of the fixture). Additionally, the following lighting standards shall apply:


    The light source shall be metal halide (a maximum of 250 watts) or fluorescent;


    The metal halide shall be phosphor coated when used with a clear flat glass lens, or may be clear when used with a diffused flat glass lens; and


    The maximum foot-candle level shall be 20 fc with proper shielding of under canopy light fixtures to substantially reduce the "spray light" effect (average maintained maximum) - see the IES Lighting Handbook, 8th edition, at Chapter 11, Figure 11-1, Part IV, Outdoor Facilities, Service Stations (lighting level at grade).


    Illumination levels at the property line shall range between a minimum of 0.0 fc and a maximum of 1.0 fc, with as close to 0.0 fc as reasonably feasible when lighting is located next to residential. To keep light rays and glare from encroaching onto adjacent properties, illumination shall be installed with house-side shields and reflectors, and shall be maintained in such a manner as to confine light rays to the premises. A photometric plan prepared by an engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida shall be submitted to the city as part of an application for site plan approval, and said professional shall certify that the lighting plans are complementary with landscaping plans and compliant with the requirements of this guideline.


    All parking areas, pedestrian walkways, bikeways, loading/service and other areas shall, to the extent applicable, conform to these general requirements.


    Street lighting shall be provided on all private developments contiguous to all rights-of-way, roadways, streets, alleys or lanes.

(Ord. No. 03-30, § 2B(4.1), 9-17-03; Ord. No. 08-01, § 2, 1-10-08; Ord. No. 10-08, § 3(Exh. B), 7-8-10)