§ 118-1530. Irrigation and maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All landscaped areas within the commercial corridor shall be designed, installed and maintained at a high level of quality, following best management practices for landscaping. Broken lines or damaged spray heads shall be repaired to minimize wasted water.


    All landscaped areas shall be irrigated with a timed, automatic underground system utilizing pop-up heads and/or tree bubblers and providing coverage of not more than one and one half inches of water per week. (Use of xeric plant materials may require only three-fourths inch water per week).


    The automatic irrigation system shall include a rain gauge or other water saving features to minimize wasted water.


    All landscape areas shall have 100 percent irrigated coverage.


    Irrigation is not required in "existing wooded/forested" areas which are intended to be maintained in a natural condition.

(Ord. No. 03-30, § 2B(3.10), 9-17-03)