§ 118-1527. Stormwater facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Stormwater facilities (ponds and/or depressions) shall be designed and utilized as site amenities along entrances and street frontages or incorporated with buffers between incompatible uses. These areas shall count toward open space requirements if the impervious area of the site does not exceed 75 percent.


    Stormwater facilities should be designed and permitted so as not to require fencing. If fencing is required, a green or black vinyl/painted finish is required. Walls or other railings for structured stormwater "boxes" must be decorative. Fenced or walled ponds shall not count toward open space requirements within a project and shall only be located at the side or rear of a site. The maximum allowable fence height is 4′-0″.



    Subject to the requirements of St. Johns River Management District, other governmental agencies, and a consideration of safety related issues, stormwater facilities that are located in the front of a property may be prohibited from having fencing.


    Wet stormwater detention/retention facilities adjoining public streets shall include a water feature such as a fountain or spray jet, and shall be planted with appropriate aquatic materials as outlined in the "Commercial Corridor Plant List." Detention/Retention along the front of a property shall be designed with curvilinear edges not as a straight "box." Retention embankments shall be planted with one tree per 50 linear feet of retention perimeter measured from top of slope. Trees shall be suitable for wet locations as identified in the Commercial Corridor Planter Materials List.



    Dry retention areas shall be planted with grass, and unless maintained as an open lawn swale, shall be screened from view with a continuous hedge of shrubs on 36-inch centers around at least 75 percent of the perimeter at the top of the slope.

(Ord. No. 03-30, § 2B(3.7), 9-17-03)