§ 118-1524. Landscape buffers between parcels.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A minimum ten-foot width landscape buffer is required for rear property boundaries and shall be planted in accordance with Table 3.4.1. Shrubs and Groundcover shall comprise at least 50 percent of the landscaped areas.


    A minimum five-foot width landscape buffer is required for side property boundaries and shall be planted in accordance with Table 3.4.2. Shrubs and ground cover shall comprise 50 percent of the landscaped areas.


    Side or rear buffers adjoining noncommercial or residential parcels, churches or institutional uses shall also require a six-foot masonry wall in addition to the minimum ten-foot wide landscape buffer requirement. The wall shall be constructed from decorative "split face" concrete masonry, "Norman" brick or standard concrete masonry clad with painted stucco or other masonry veneer. The wall shall include a continuous cap and end column features. The wall shall be placed a minimum of six inches from the adjoining property line. In addition, all active "yard and shop" spaces with open work areas or other supply areas shall be treated with a similar six-foot masonry wall. The city and applicant must mutually agree on which landscape buffer requirements are most appropriate with the submission of the development and/or site plan proposal.

    As an alternative to the six-foot masonry wall, a minimum 20-foot wide landscape buffer with 50 percent opacity may be permitted on application to and approval by the planning and zoning board at a duly noticed public hearing. The planning and zoning board shall review the proposed alternative buffer and approve such buffer upon determining that the buffer will (1) be planted in accordance with Table 3.4.1, (2) include additional shrubs and groundcover planting to achieve 100 percent coverage, and (3) meet all other relevant landscaping standards set forth herein.

    Table 3.4.1 - Rear Yard Landscape Buffer Requirements

    Canopy Trees (per 100 LF) 2 per 100 linear feet.
    Tree CAL/height 2″ cal, 12′ overall height
    Container size 30 gal.
    Understory trees (per 100 LF) Three per 100 linear feet.
    Tree CAL/Height 1½″-2″ cal, 7′ overall height
    Container size 15 gal.
    Shrub screen (per 100 LF)
    Quantity of shrubs
    (33) three-gallon plants, 24″ minimum at installation to create 36″—42″ high by 36″-wide hedge or continuous landscape screen with 90 percent opacity within one year of planting.
    Container size 3 gal.



    Table 3.4.2 - Side Yard Landscape Buffer Requirements

    Canopy Trees (per 50 LF) 1 canopy tree per 50 linear feet
    Tree CAL/height 3″ cal, 12′ overall height
    Container size 30 gal.
    Shrub screen (per 50 LF)
    Quantity of shrubs
    (33) three-gallon plants, a minimum 36″ continuous hedge or landscape screen at time of planting with 90 percent opacity within one year of planting.
    Container size 3 gal.



(Ord. No. 03-30, § 2B(3.4), 9-17-03; Ord. No. 10-08, § 3(Exh. B), 7-8-10)