§ 118-1522. Building open areas.  

Latest version.
  • The green spaces around buildings shall be landscaped completely with trees, shrubs, groundcovers, annuals or sod.


    A minimum ten-foot wide landscape area shall be located around all buildings. A five-foot sidewalk may be included in this buffer area.




    An average of one canopy tree shall be located for every 50 linear feet of building perimeter.


    All edges of buildings shall have a foundation planting of shrubs and groundcovers as a minimum. Shrubs and groundcovers shall comprise at least 30 percent of the required green space.


    Landscaping shall be required around the perimeter of large strip commercial centers or "big box" structures with a continuous building length of at least 250′—0″ along the primary street frontage as follows:


    Rear/service area does not require planting.


    The remaining three sides of building perimeter shall include a 5′—0″ minimum continuous sidewalk as well as landscape planter areas along at least 60 percent of that linear distance.


    The required 60 percent landscape coverage shall be in at-grade or raised planters at least 5′—0″ deep and 5′—0″ wide. Raised planters shall not exceed 24″ overall height.


    Planters may be located along building edge, or along street, drive or parking edge. Planters along head-in parking shall be located at least 2′-0″ clear from edge of curb to allow for continuous pedestrian access without stepping in landscape area.


    All required planters shall be planted 100 percent with shrubs and groundcovers. Sod is prohibited.


    An average of one canopy tree per 50 linear feet shall be required for the remaining three sides of building perimeter. Trees may be placed in planter areas.


(Ord. No. 03-30, § 2B(1.1), 9-17-03)