§ 118-1387. Location of off-street parking spaces.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Such parking space as required in this article shall in no part exist upon and no portion of any vehicle shall overhang the right-of-way of any public road, street, alley, or walkway. There shall be no off-street parking in front yards of residential districts except as normally exists in driveways.


    Parking for all one- and two-family dwellings shall be located on the same lot with the main buildings.


    Parking spaces for all other uses shall be provided on the same lot with the main building, or not more than 300 feet distant, as measured along the nearest pedestrian walkway, provided that such area is under the same ownership as the principal use and is in a zoning classification where such parking is permitted.


    Parking requirements for two or more uses, of the same or of different types, may be provided by the establishment of the required numbers of spaces for each use in a common parking area, provided that all such uses being served by a common parking area are under the same ownership, unless developed as a planned development project, whereby owners file a development plat to ensure common use of the parking.


    Off-street parking area shall be set back a minimum of five feet from all rear, side and front property lines.




    Each parking space shall be a minimum of 180 square feet, with minimum dimensions of nine feet by 20 feet.


    Design standards are required as follows:


    A plan showing off-street parking shall be submitted and approved by the building inspector before a permit is issued for the construction or use of the building, structure or facility being considered. This plan shall show the location and shall accurately designate the number of required spaces, their size, access aisles, driveways, and their relation to the plan.


    Each parking space shall be directly accessible from the street or an alley or from an aisle or driveway leading to a street or alley. Access aisles and driveways shall be of sufficient size to permit convenient ingress and egress. Each space shall be accessible without driving over or through any other parking space. No parking space or loading space shall be located in such manner as to block entry or exit to a building, and in this respect a clearance shall be provided adjacent to an entrance or exit door equal to the width of the door or three feet, whichever is the greater.


    Parking areas shall be paved with an asphaltic, porous concrete, concrete, or paving blocks recommended by the city engineer and approved by the city commission. Such surfacing shall afford adequate drainage and shall have bumper guards where needed according to city specifications.


    Paved areas may be reduced in part or in whole by approval of the city commission after review by the planning and zoning board using the following conditions and determinations:


    Whether total paving would have a detrimental effect upon existing drainage or water quality.


    Whether operations or activities (equipment storage, yards, churches, etc.) are such that the use of certain portions of the parking and loading areas would only be on an intermittent basis.


    Where paving has been reduced or waived, a stabilized surface acceptable to the city engineer shall be provided for that portion of the parking area.


    In the areas of a parking lot where paving has been waived, the areas shall be organized for traffic control and parking by permanent fixation of tire stops and other directional devices when deemed necessary by the city engineer.


    If lighting is provided, it shall be arranged to reflect away from any residential areas, also from any public street or highway.


    All off-street parking spaces shall comply with the off-street parking standards as set forth in this subsection.



    Off-street parking areas shall be designed so that there is an unrestricted flow and circulation of traffic both within and into and out of the parking area. Traffic lanes shall be clearly marked by arrows or other markings to show traffic flow when necessary. All areas shall be designed for head-in parking only. The following table shall govern the minimum width of traffic lanes within the parking area:

    Minimum Width of Lanes
    Angle of Parking One-Way
    0 degrees (parallel to curb) 14 23
    45 degrees 16 Not permitted
    90 degrees (perpendicular to curb) 20 23
    Traffic lanes with no parking 14 22
    60 degrees 18 Not permitted




    Vehicular overhang. When landscape areas are curbed and a raised curb is used for a wheel stop for head-in parking, the 20-foot dimension of the nine-foot by 20-foot parking space requirement may be reduced to 18 feet.

(Code 1988, § 24-147; Ord. No. 07-20, § I, 5-10-07)