§ 118-1386. Off-street parking.  

Latest version.
  • There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any main building or structure, at the time of change of zoning or change of use of the property, or at the time any main building or structure is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, guestrooms, floor area or seats, minimum off-street automobile parking space with adequate provisions for ingress in accordance with the following requirements:




    Single-family: two spaces per dwelling unit.


    Multifamily: two spaces per dwelling unit.


    Churches, temples or places of worship, funeral homes, public buildings, theaters, auditoriums, areas and places of assembly, and other similar uses: at least one space for each three seats.


    Retail business, shopping centers, establishments, kennels, animal hospitals, libraries, museums, medical or dental offices or clinics and other businesses and similar uses: three parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet and fraction thereof of gross floor area devoted for commercial, profession or professional services. For all establishments referred to under this subsection, there shall be a minimum of three off-street parking spaces provided.


    Country clubs, golf clubs, tennis clubs, and organizations designed to provide outdoor sporting or recreational activities, and other like and similar uses: one space for each five members, or one space for each 400 square feet of floor space or floor area of the primary building associated with the organization, whichever requirement is greater.


    Hospitals and sanitariums: one space for each patient bed.


    Nursing homes, rest homes, and convalescent homes: one space for each two patient beds.


    Hotels, motels, and bungalow courts: one space for each guestroom or one space for each bathroom, whichever is greater, plus one space for each three employees, and in addition, space as required elsewhere for auxiliary commercial use.


    Private clubs, lodges: one space for each five seats in the largest assembly area in the building, plus one space for each guestroom, if any.


    Restaurants, or other eating place (not drive-ins): one space for each four seats, plus one space for each three employees.


    Roominghouses, boardinghouses: one space for each two beds.


    Marinas: one space for each two docking accommodations plus one space for each 250 square feet of floor area devoted to retail sales, plus one car space for each four-passenger capacity in a charter boat, and, in addition, spaces as required elsewhere for auxiliary commercial uses.


    Other uses: All other uses are to be determined by the planning and zoning board as to the off-street parking facilities that will be required.


    Miniwarehouse facilities: one space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area; however, only one space per 1,500 square feet of floor area need be paved with the remainder to be placed in landscaped area.

(Code 1988, § 24-146)