§ 118-1344. Glare and lighting.  

Latest version.
  • Under this chapter, any lighting elements or structural materials installed on the site shall be prevented from casting or reflecting glare or light beyond the boundaries of the site, unless their location precludes any hazard or nuisance arising as a consequence of such glare or light. Locations requiring some means of preventing the transmission of glare or light beyond the site's boundaries are established according to the relationship between: (i) required minimum elevation of the lighting element or structural material above the final grade established along the nearest site boundary, and (ii) distance of the lighting element or structural material from the nearest site boundary. As set forth in the following table, elements or materials below the minimum elevation required of each distance shall be shielded or otherwise screened to prevent transmission of light or glare beyond the site:

    Required Minimum Elevation
     50 20
     60 19
     70 18
     80 17
     90 16
    100 15


(Code 1988, § 24-128(6))