§ 118-1231. Standards.  

Latest version.
  • All mobile home parks shall conform with the following standards of development:


    All mobile home parks shall include lots for at least ten mobile homes.


    Lot area for doublewide mobile homes shall be at least 5,000 square feet with no portion of the lot width being less than 55 feet. Lot area for singlewide mobile homes shall be at least 4,000 square feet with no portion of the lot width being less than 45 feet.


    All mobile home parks shall front on a public street for at least 150 feet.


    All mobile home park access points on a public street shall be located at least 50 feet apart, and all mobile home park access points shall be located at least 75 feet from the intersection of any public street right-of-way lines. The planning and zoning board shall require wider spacing between access points and intersecting public street right-of-way lines when the mobile home park has more than the minimum required frontage on a public street. All access points shall be specifically approved by the planning and zoning board.


    All mobile homes shall be located at least ten feet from all property lines.


    A landscaped separation strip or buffer zone, at least five feet in width, shall be provided along property lines and public streets on which the project is located. The planning and zoning board may also require that the mobile home park be permanently screened from adjoining and contiguous properties by a wall, fence, evergreen hedge or other approved enclosures. Such screening, if required, shall be located within the required separation strip and shall have a minimum height of 4½ feet and a maximum height of seven feet.


    No mobile home or permanent attachment thereto shall be located closer than 16 feet to another mobile home or accessory use or structure.


    Streets within the mobile home park must conform to the requirements of chapter 110. However, the developer may elect not to place the subdivision plat of record and thereby dedicating the streets and, for such election, the developer must furnish the city an easement for ingress and egress over, across, upon and under the streets and must maintain the streets to city specifications as long as the land is used as a mobile home park.


    There shall be a minimum of two (200 square feet) of off-street paved parking spaces for each mobile home lot.


    All mobile home parks shall conform with the state department of health regulations which prescribe standards for water supply, sewage disposal and other facilities.


    All mobile home parks shall be adequately drained so that no mobile home park shall be subjected to the collection of stormwater.


    Only one unlighted sign, not over four square feet in area, identifying the mobile home park on the premises shall be permitted.


    A minimum of 200 square feet per lot of common, usable open space for recreational uses is required. This common open space is in addition to lot area requirements.


    Density for mobile home parks shall not exceed eight units per gross acre.

(Code 1988, § 24-78(c)(4))