§ 118-1126. Commercial structures; uses involving sales, storage, repairs, service.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall apply to commercial structures and uses involving the sale, storage, service, or repairs of motor vehicles:


    No public street, parking, sidewalk or way shall be used for the storage or parking of motor vehicles in connection with the activities of such establishments, except for normal permitted parking by individual private owners or operators of such vehicles.


    No operation in connection with such establishments shall be conducted in a manner which impedes free flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic in normal courses on public ways.


    All motor vehicles being handled, stored or repaired by such establishments or in connection with such operations shall be maintained in such condition that they may be moved under their own power at any time, except such vehicles as may be stored or under repair in garages or other buildings as provided in this division.


    No repair of motor vehicles or parts thereof shall be made except within garages, service stations, body shops, or other enclosed building provided for such purposes, and no storage or parts of motor vehicles shall be other than in an enclosed building.


    No permit shall be issued for the erection of a garage for storage of more than five motor vehicles or for a service station or for conversion to such purposes of any premises not so used on any portion of any lot or plot which is within 200 feet of any portion of any lot or plot on which is located a school, a church, a theater or an auditorium containing 100 or more seats, a public library, or a hospital or sanitarium.

(Code 1988, § 24-52(b))