§ 118-987. Preliminary development plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    An applicant seeking approval of an industrial and commercial planned unit development shall submit a preliminary development plan. The planning and zoning board, at the request of the developer, may approve the preliminary development plan in stages.


    The preliminary development plan shall include all of the following appropriate and applicable information:


    A map showing street systems, plot lines and plot design.


    Area proposed to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for parks, parkways, playgrounds, golf courses, school sites, public buildings, waterways, lagoons, ponds, natural preserves and similar public and semipublic uses.


    A plot plan for each building site and common open area, showing the approximate location of all buildings, structures, and improvements and indicating the open space around buildings and structures.


    Elevation and perspective drawing of all proposed structures and improvements, except single-family residences, and their accessory buildings. The preliminary drawing need not be the result of the final architectural decisions and need not be in detail.


    A development schedule indicating:


    The approximate date when construction of the project can be expected to begin;


    The stages in which the project will be built and the approximate date when construction of each stage can be expected to begin;


    The anticipated rate of development;


    The approximate date when the development of each of the stages in the development will be completed; and


    The area and location of common open space that will be provided at each stage.


    Agreements, provisions, or covenants which govern the use, maintenance, and continued protection of planned unit development and any of its common open areas.


    The following plan and diagrams, insofar as the planning and zoning board finds that the planned unit development creates special problems of traffic, parking, landscaping or economic feasibility:


    An off-street parking and service access plan.


    A circulation diagram indicating the proposed movement of vehicles, goods and pedestrians within the planned unit development to and from existing thoroughfares, also any special engineering features and traffic-regulation devices needed to facilitate or ensure the safety of this circulation pattern must be shown.


    A landscaping and tree planting plan.


    Diagram of water distributions and other utilities.

(Code 1988, § 24-53(2))