§ 118-835. Preliminary plat.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Procedures for preliminary plat submission will comply with chapter 110 pertaining to subdivisions.


    Additional information on the preliminary plat should include the following for the residential or urban village planned unit development or the portion thereof which is the subject of the preliminary plat:


    Any proposed residential use other than single-family.


    The proposed location of the residential use and/or nonresidential use.


    Acreage in each of the residential and/or nonresidential use areas.


    Proposed setbacks and buffering between uses within the PUD; and proposed setbacks and buffering at the perimeter of the PUD.


    Phasing or development schedule.


    Number of units, both total and by type, and total square footage of any nonresidential uses and by type.


    The proposed method of maintenance of the storm drainage system.


    A topographical map shall be submitted with the preliminary development plan. The topographical map shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 100 feet to one inch by a registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor showing the following:


    The location of existing property lines, streets, buildings, watercourses, transmission lines, sewers, bridges, culverts and drain pipes, water mains, city limit lines and all public utility easements and rights-of-ways.


    Wooded areas, marshes, wetlands, karst features and any other physical conditions affecting the site.


    Engineering drawings and specifications of the following proposed utility system improvements must be presented to the city engineer no less than 30 days prior to the intended commencement of construction of such improvements. Construction of such improvements shall not commence until the city engineer approves the drawings and specifications submitted. Engineering drawings must include the following:


    Potable water.


    Sanitary sewer.


    Storm sewer.


    Reclaimed water.


    Sidewalks and bicycle paths.




    Lot grading plan.





(Ord. No. 12-02, § 1, 1-26-12; Ord. No. 12-24, § 1, 5-24-12)