§ 118-834. Preliminary development plan application.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    For residential and urban village planned unit development rezonings, a preliminary development plan along with a zoning application shall be submitted to the city by the developer requesting approval of the site as a PUD. The preliminary plan and application shall contain the name of the developer and the architect, surveyor and engineer who prepared the development plan.


    The following generally shall be included on the preliminary development plan with the zoning application:


    Proposed name or title of the project; the name of the surveyor, engineer, architect, and developer.


    North arrow, scale of one inch equals 200 feet or larger, date and legal description of the site.


    Boundaries of the site shown with bearings, distances, closures and bulkhead lines. All existing easements, section lines and property lines, all existing streets, rights-of-ways, natural waterbodies, karst features, wetlands and physical features in and adjoining the project, and the existing zoning.


    Names and locations of adjoining developments and subdivisions.


    Any proposed parks, school sites, and other public and private open space.


    Vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems.


    Site data including tabulation of the total number of gross acres in the project, the acreage to be devoted to each of the types of uses, the proposed total number of dwelling units, the proposed lot size(s) and minimum house size(s), the proposed square footage of nonresidential uses, and the proposed building setbacks and building elevation renderings.


    Proposed setbacks and buffering between uses within the PUD; and proposed setbacks and buffering at the perimeter of the PUD.


    Proposed common open space, including proposed improvements and proposed common open space structures and the tabulation of the percent of the total area of the project to be devoted to common open space. Areas proposed to qualify for common open space shall be specifically designated on the preliminary development plan.


    Delineation of specific areas designated as a proposed stage or phase.


    General statement indicating proposed means of drainage for the site to ensure conformity with natural drainage within the area or with the drainage plan established or to be established within the vicinity.


    General location within the site of each residential and/or nonresidential use.


    The proposed method of dedication and administration of proposed common open space.


    Vicinity map.


    Submittal requirements and procedures are as follows:


    Prints required. The application shall include the required number of prints of the preliminary development plan and an electronic copy.


    Certified survey. Two copies of a certified survey must also accompany the application.


    Application review. The preliminary development plan shall be reviewed by the development review committee in accordance with chapter 98, article VI of the City of Winter Garden Code of Ordinances, and any other city division or department as deemed necessary by the city to determine the feasibility and suitability of the plan prior to the submission of the planned unit development zoning application to the planning and zoning board. The planning and zoning board shall then review the PUD and its associated preliminary development plan and recommend to the city commission the approval, approval subject to conditions and modifications, or disapproval of such application. Upon receiving the recommendation of the planning and zoning board, the city commission shall review the recommendation and the PUD and associated preliminary development plan application and either approve, approve subject to conditions and modifications, or disapprove the proposed PUD and associated preliminary development plan.


    Approval criteria. In addition to the approval criteria set forth in section 118-828, the proposed PUD should address, to the extent deemed applicable by the city, the following:


    The degree of departure or conformity of the proposed PUD with surrounding areas in terms of character and density.


    Compatibility of uses and improvements within the PUD and the relationship with surrounding existing or proposed developments.


    Prevention of erosion and degrading or enhancement of the surrounding areas.


    Provision for recreation facilities, surface drainage, flood control and soil conservation as shown in the preliminary development plan.


    The nature, intent and compatibility of any common open space, including the proposed method for the maintenance and conservation of the common open space.


    The feasibility and compatibility of the specified stage(s) or phase(s) contained in the preliminary development plan to exist as an independent development.


    The availability of existing or planned reclaimed water service to support the proposed PUD.


    The benefits within the proposed PUD development and to the general public to justify the requested departure from standard land use requirements inherent in a PUD classification.


    The conformity and compatibility of the proposed common open space, residential and/or nonresidential uses within the proposed PUD.


    Architectural characteristics of proposed residential and/or nonresidential development.


    A listing of the specific types of nonresidential uses to be allowed.


    Recordation of PUD. If the proposed PUD and its associated preliminary development plan application is approved by the city commission, a copy of the approved PUD and preliminary development plan shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk, and a certified copy or original of such shall be filed with the city clerk as a permanent record.

(Ord. No. 12-02, § 1, 1-26-12; Ord. No. 12-24, § 1, 5-24-12)