§ 118-1450. Parking.  

Latest version.
  • Parking areas and driveways (including paved areas) shall be designed to establish a logical pattern of pedestrian access, traffic flow, and parking lots with visible connections between building entrances, parking lot entrances, roads, parking spaces, sidewalks and adjacent properties, all as are consistent with sound and generally accepted engineering principles and practices. Parking lots and driveways within the commercial corridor shall be subject to, in addition to other requirements imposed by the Code, the following standards and regulations:


    Parking areas containing more than 100 parking spaces shall be visually and functionally segmented into smaller lots. Parking in excess of 100 parking spaces shall divided into individual areas containing no more than 100 parking spaces per area. Said area shall be clearly delineated by landscaped or weather-protected pedestrian walkways, significant landscape or geographic features and/or by design components of the proposed building(s). The design of these separators shall consider pedestrian movements, conflict points with vehicles, aesthetics, site distances and angles, security site lighting and safety within the parking lot area.


    All parking lots shall provide box curbing unless a drainage design requires an alternative curbing.


    Parking of any vehicle for anyone other than persons engaging in commerce at the business located on the property is prohibited. Overnight parking of commercial motor vehicles, tractor trailers, boats, vessels, recreational vehicles, campers, motor homes or similar means of conveyance or places of abode is prohibited, except in conjunction with a special event where a permit has been issued by the city.


    Loading and unloading of commercial vehicles or of any other vehicles used for commercial purposes is only permitted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. when property assigned a residential zoning classification or used for residential purposes is within 100 feet of the loading area. Within such areas, such activities are prohibited at all other times.


    Vehicular cross access shall be provided between adjacent parcels consistent with sound and generally accepted engineering practices and principles.

(Ord. No. 03-30, § 2, 9-17-03)