§ 118-1401. Intent and purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The recitals to the ordinance adopting this article are hereby incorporated into this section as legislative findings and represent the intent of the city commission in adopting this article to provide specific and uniform design standards for properties within the hereafter identified commercial corridor for the purposes of ensuring that said commercial corridor is developed in a manner which:


    Ensures that the commercial corridor is developed into a well-landscaped, scenic gateway into the city;


    Provides uniform design standards to establish high quality development with a positive visual ambiance;


    Prevents visual pollution caused by unplanned and uncoordinated uses, buildings and structures;


    Maximizes traffic circulation patterns and functions from the standpoint of safety, roadway capacity, vehicular and non-vehicular movement;


    Maintains and enhances property values;


    Preserves natural features to the extent practicable;


    Encourages high quality economic development within the city;


    Preserves and enhances the high-quality lifestyle and standard of living available to the residents of the city;


    Takes into consideration the future widening of State Road 50 to a six-lane divided highway and development associated therewith;


    Creates and maintains a strong community image, identity and sense of place;


    Promotes a high degree of compatibility between surrounding structures and attendant uses;


    Fosters civic pride and community spirit by maximizing the impact of quality development;


    Recognizes and makes allowances for existing uses and buildings;


    Promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the commercial corridor, the city and its citizens;


    Promotes the orderly growth and development within the commercial corridor along with the achievement of the goals, objectives and policies of the city's comprehensive plan;


    Establishes coordinated and uniform standards and regulations which will encourage capital investment in the city and preserve the public investment in the commercial corridor spurring commercial activity and the attraction of new businesses and commercial activity; and


    Reduces the risk of creating blighted areas resulting from uncoordinated and non-uniform standards and regulations.

(Ord. No. 03-30, § 2, 9-17-03)