§ 118-488. Special exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • In the R-NC residential-neighborhood commercial district, the uses permitted as special exceptions pursuant to section 118-97 are as follows:


    Convenience foodstores and convenience food stores with retail gas sales, with average gross revenue from the sale of gas being less than 60 percent of the store's total average gross revenue.


    Golf clubs and golf courses.


    Marinas and boat basins.


    Hospitals, restoriums and convalescent homes.


    Public and private clubs and lodges not involved in the conduct of commercial activities.


    Governmental institutions and cultural facilities.


    Kindergartens and nurseries.


    Any structure over 40 feet in height.


    All uses permitted in the C-4 neighborhood commercial district and subject to dimensional requirements of that zone.


    Rooming houses provided one paved parking space per room exists, such use is compatible with surrounding uses, such use is in character with the neighborhood, and evidence is provided establishing that the existing building to be used for a rooming house has either been:


    Previously utilized as a rooming house within the preceeding two (2) years, or


    Previously utilized as a commercial business within the preceeding two (2) years.

(Code 1988, § 24-44(b)(2); Ord. No. 05-01, § 2, 1-13-05)