§ 118-227. Urban farm.  

Latest version.
  • The urban farm use, where permitted under this code, is subject to and shall comply with the following:


    No raising, keeping or slaughtering of animals.


    Any equipment or supplies needed for farm operations shall be fully enclosed or otherwise effectively screened from the street and any adjacent residential uses.


    The use shall not be located in a required interior side yard.


    Outdoor growing associated with an urban farm shall be exempt from the enclosed building requirements of the zoning code.


    A farm stand is allowed as an accessory use to an urban farm subject to the following conditions:


    The farm stand shall only sell products of the urban farm occupied and cultivated by the same producer within the city limits;


    The operation of the farm stand shall not exceed a duration of 75 days in one calendar year;


    Sales shall be limited to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and sunset;


    The farm stand must be removed from the premises or stored inside a structure when not in operation;


    Only one farm stand is permitted per urban farm parcel;


    The farm stand shall not use the public right-of-way for its operations, including in regards to the placement of its signage or for customer or employee parking; and


    One temporary sign not exceeding 20 square foot in copy area may be displayed to advertise the farm stand operations. Such sign must be removed from the premises or stored inside a structure at other times of the year when the farm stand is not in operation.

(Ord. No. 17-21, § 5, 8-24-17)