§ 118-776. Dimensions and area requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Dimensions and area regulations for lots and structures in the I-2 general industrial district are as follows:


    Maximum building height: 40 feet.


    Minimum lot area: 18,750 square feet.


    Minimum average lot width: 125 feet.


    Minimum average lot depth: 150 feet.


    Maximum lot coverage: 50 percent.


    Minimum building setbacks:


    Front: 50 feet.


    Side interior lot: 25 feet.


    Side corner lot: 35 feet; however, where adjacent to a use district requiring greater setbacks, the same setbacks will be provided as required for the abutting district. In addition, additional setbacks may be required by the planning and zoning board for reasons of public safety and welfare.


    Rear: 30 feet. Rear yards may be reduced to zero when the real property line coincides with a railroad siding; however, no tracking shall be located nearer than 300 feet to any residential district.

(Code 1988, § 24-51(f))