§ 118-209. Voluntary annexation.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Disclosure. Prior to voluntary annexation into the city, the owner of the lands to be annexed must identify in writing to the city all current uses and businesses existing and operating on the lands and any and all non-conformities and pending code enforcement proceedings applicable to said lands. Failure of the property owner to identify non-conformities as required will result in such non-conformities being treated as illegal non-conformities and subject to termination. To the extent non-conformities are identified, the owner of said lands shall obtain a variance for such non-conformities, terminate the non-conformity upon annexation into the city, or the city and owner of said lands shall enter into an agreement which provides for the amortization, termination or continuation of the non-conformities. The foregoing shall not operate in any way to limit the city's power to impose any other terms as a condition of annexation.


    No zoning. Upon annexation of a parcel of land into the city, the city may choose not to initially assign a zoning district classification to such parcel. In such event, the city may identify such parcel of land as having no zoning (NZ) on the city's zoning map. The only permitted uses for a parcel of land with no zoning (NZ) shall be those legally conforming uses that were operating and existing on the date of annexation of the parcel into the city. If a parcel of land has no zoning (NZ) and the owner desires to take advantage of the densities, intensities and uses that may be allowed under the comprehensive plan, the owner shall seek and obtain a rezoning of the parcel to a zoning district that is consistent with the comprehensive plan, including the parcel's future land use map designation. This provision shall not restrict the city from initiating a rezoning of a parcel that has no zoning (NZ).

(Ord. No. 03-17, § 2, 7-10-03; Ord. No. 17-21, § 4, 8-24-17)