§ 118-165. Public notice cost of special exception use permit or appeal borne by applicant.  

Latest version.
  • When an applicant shall file an application requesting a special exception use permit, including planned development projects, or an appeal for a dimensional variance or administrative interpretation or decision of this chapter, he shall pay all costs and expenses in connection with public notice of such hearings and related notices as required by this chapter in addition to the fees required for planning and zoning board review and administration. An estimate of the cost of the publication of public notice of such hearings and related notices as required by this chapter shall be made by the administrative official, and the applicant shall deposit with the administrative official the estimated amount of cost before the application will be filed. A receipt showing payment to the city commission in the amount of the estimated cost shall be attached to the application. If the actual cost of the items shall be less than the deposit, the remaining balance shall be refunded to the applicant. The requirements of this section shall not be deemed or construed as applying to any hearing held by the planning and zoning board on its own motion or volition in connection with this chapter.

(Code 1988, § 24-197)