§ 118-68. Site plan (development plan) required.  

Latest version.
  • The director of planning shall require the submission of a site plan showing the appropriate and applicable data and information set forth in this section when an applicant submits a request for a development application. The following data and information shall be shown on all site plans as appropriate and applicable to the type and nature of the project and land for which the site plan is being prepared. The site plan shall be drawn at a scale of 200 feet to one inch or larger and shall show the following:


    Name of the project, if appropriate.


    Names and addresses of the owner, adjacent property owners and, if appropriate, the contractor, planner, architect, engineer or surveyor.


    Date, approximate north arrow and graphic scale.


    Area of land within the project.


    Boundary lines and dimensions.


    Any existing or proposed easements and locations, widths and distances, if appropriate.


    Streets on and adjacent to the project and their names and right-of-way widths.


    Buildings, both existing and proposed.


    Parking areas with arrangement and number of spaces.


    Proposed access points to public streets.


    Setback lines and separation strips.


    The director of planning shall require the following when, because of the size and scale of the project, he deems it necessary:


    Name of the contractor, planner, architect, engineer or surveyor.


    Contours at an interval of not greater than five feet or at a lesser interval if deemed necessary by the city manager.


    Boundary lines and their bearings, lot lines and their dimensions.


    General land use activity areas.


    Utilities on or adjacent to the project showing proposed dimensions and connections to existing systems.


    Access roads, internal and external, and relationships to existing and proposed streets, alleys and other public ways.


    Permanent open spaces, recreation areas and landscape areas.


    Sites and their acreages, if any, to be reserved and dedicated for public parks, playgrounds, schools or other public uses.

(Code 1988, § 24-186(b)(1))