§ 114-38. Turf areas.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The type and location of turf areas shall be selected using the Florida-friendly landscaping principle of right plant, right place. Irrigated turf areas, as opposed to non-irrigated turf areas, are considered to be a high water use hydrozone. Irrigated turf shall not be treated as a fill-in material but rather as a planned element of the landscape. Turf shall be placed so that it can be irrigated using separate zone(s) from non-turf areas.


    Turf applications within landscaping plans required by this code shall adhere to the following guidelines:


    Lawn areas shall be planted with species suitable as permanent lawns. Effective erosion control is mandatory in swales, rights-of-way, or other areas subject to erosion.


    The primary types of grass used for residential, commercial, and industrial areas in the Central Florida area are identified by the UF/IFAS Florida Yards and Neighborhoods (FYN) program.


    There is no limit within the green space area that may be planted with lawn grass, when the grass has a rating of high drought tolerance.


    The following grasses and their relative level of drought tolerance are approved for use by this code:

    Bahia High Tolerance
    Bermuda Medium Tolerance
    Centipede Medium Tolerance
    Zoysia Medium Tolerance
    St. Augustine Low Tolerance



    Turf should be selected to survive on minimal rainfall once established and to only use irrigation water when needed. Landscape irrigation can only occur in accordance with the city's most recent landscape irrigation ordinance adopted pursuant to St. Johns River Water Management District landscape irrigation rule 40C-2.042(2)(a) and (b), FAC.


    As a matter of public safety, no turfgrass that requires mowing shall be allowed on slopes greater than 4:1 or within six feet of the water's edge, except where adjacent to seawalls and bulkheads or needed to control erosion.


    The city does not regulate artificial/synthetic turf, but recommends the property owner and/or contractor consult with the Orange County extension office on its applicability for its proposed use and location prior to installation.

(Ord. No. 15-40, § II, 6-11-15)