§ 114-37. Appropriate plant selection, location, and arrangement.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Plant selection shall be based on the plant's adaptability to the existing conditions present within the landscaped area and native plant communities, and should follow the principle of "right plant, right place" as described in Florida-friendly landscaping guidelines.


    A minimum of five percent of the total plants installed, not including turf, shall be Florida native plants at all new homes, developments, and commercial properties, per policy 4-6.1.4 of the of the city's comprehensive plan, City Plan 2010 .


    Landscape shall be installed a minimum 2.5 feet from the building foundation.


    Use of shade trees is encouraged to reduce transpiration rates of lower story plant material.


    Trees species that acquire a mature height of more than 12 feet shall not be planted under electrical distribution lines.


    Turf in retention areas must use Bahia grass or appropriate Florida-friendly plants.


    Landscaped medians must use turf and/or plants with a drought tolerance rating of high.


    Landscaped open spaces and recreation areas must use turf and/or plants with a drought tolerance rating of medium or higher.

(Ord. No. 15-40, § II, 6-11-15)