§ 114-26. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Buffer yard means a land area, together with a specified type and quantity of planting required between abutting land uses to eliminate or minimize the impacts of one or both such land uses on each other.

    Controller means the mechanism used to signal the automatic control valves of irrigation systems to open and close on a scheduled program or based on sensor readings.

    Distribution equipment means the water emitters on irrigation systems, including but not limited to sprinklers, rotors, spray heads, and micro-irrigation devices.

    Florida-friendly landscape(ing) means a landscape that incorporates the practices and philosophies promoted by programs such as Florida Yards and Neighborhoods/Environmental Landscape Management. These programs promote quality landscapes that conserve water, utilize water wise principles, protect the environment, are adaptable to local conditions, and are drought tolerant.

    Florida Water Star SM is a program of the St. Johns River Water Management District that encourages indoor and outdoor water-efficient options and leak prevention by providing technical direction and certification for new construction and residential renovation that meets goals in water efficiency.

    Hydrozone means a distinct grouping of plants with similar water needs and climatic requirements.

    Irrigation zone means a grouping of rotors, sprinkler heads, pop-up sprays, micro-irrigation emitters, or other irrigation equipment operated simultaneously by the control of one valve.

    Landscaped dividing strips means landscape areas containing ground cover, shrubs and trees or other landscaping used to partition parking areas into individual bays.

    Landscaping consists of but is not limited to grass, ground covers, shrubs, vines, hedges, trees, berms and complementary structural landscape architectural features such as rock, fountains, sculpture, decorative walls and tree wells.

    Native vegetation means plant species with a geographic distribution indigenous to all or part of the State of Florida, as identified in Wunderlin, R. P., 1998, Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida , University Press of Florida, Gainesville. For the purposes herein, native vegetation does not include areas converted for agricultural use.

    Paved ground surface areas means any paved area, excluding public rights-of-way, used for the purpose of driving, maneuvering, parking, storing or display of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, mobile homes, and recreational vehicles including new and used automobile lots, other parking lot uses and paved outdoor sales areas. Parking structures and covered drive-in parking areas shall not be considered as paved ground surface areas.

    Permitting authority means the City of Winter Garden.

    POC means point of connection.

    Precipitation rate means the rate at which water is applied in gallons per minute (GPM) or gallons per hour (GPH). Commonly referred to as the application rate.

    Redevelopment means and includes each of the following in any combination: demolition of existing buildings; reconstruction, replacement or refurbishment of existing buildings; and change of the type or intensity of use of existing buildings.

    Shrubs means self-supporting woody species of plants characterized by persistent stems and branches springing from the base.

    Trees means self-supporting woody plants of species which normally grow to a minimum overall height of 15 feet and which have an average mature crown spread greater than 15 feet within the city.

(Code 1988, § 12.5-21; Ord. No. 15-40, § II, 6-11-15)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-2.