§ 110-156. Subsequent community subdivision infrastructure reports and maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • The HOA shall obtain an inspection and written report of the community subdivision infrastructure, by a Florida registered engineer experienced in subdivision construction at least once every five years after the initial engineer's inspection required by section 110-155. Using good engineering practice or in accordance with such other standards as may be adopted from time to time by the HOA, or in accordance with such standards as the HOA's engineer may determine to be appropriate, the inspection shall determine and the written report shall document the level of maintenance and repair (both scheduled and unscheduled) needed, the amounts of funding needed each year for the next five years in the routine-community subdivision infrastructure-maintenance account to pay for such maintenance and repair, and any repairs then needed and determining whether the existing capital-community subdivision infrastructure reserve account balance is adequate to provide for restoration or replacement of the infrastructure by the end of its estimated economic life. The report must be signed and sealed by the engineer, certified to the HOA, and provided to the city and to all owners of lots, blocks, and tracts within the subdivision within 15 days after its completion. Within 180 days of receipt of each five-year report, the HOA shall complete all remedial work identified and recommended by the engineer. A completion report, signed, sealed and certifying that said remedial work has been completed, shall be submitted to the HOA, to the city, and to all owners of lots, blocks, and tracts within the subdivision 90 days thereafter. The HOA and the lot and unit owners of the subdivision are responsible for assessing, collecting and reserving sufficient funds to operate, maintain, repair and replace common properties and subdivision infrastructure improvements. The city does not have and will not assume any duty, liability or obligation concerning the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of common properties and subdivision infrastructure improvements arising out of or relating to any provision of this chapter, including but not limited to, the city's collection of, evaluation of and response to the reports submitted pursuant to section 110-155 and this section.

(Ord. No. 13-12, § 2, 3-14-13)