§ 110-155. Initial community subdivision infrastructure report/turnover requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Prior to the point in time in which certificates of occupancy have issued for 70 percent of the platted lots within the project and before turnover, whichever occurs first, the HOA must retain the services of a Florida registered engineer experienced in subdivision construction to inspect the community subdivision infrastructure and prepare a report evaluating the community subdivision infrastructure's economic life, recommending the amount of scheduled maintenance and unscheduled repair for the subsequent five years that likely will be needed for each component of the community subdivision infrastructure (specifically, at a minimum and as may be applicable, providing for the roads, street lights, sidewalks and drainage system (which includes, without limitation, the stormwater detention/retention areas and underdrains)) which recommends the amounts of money that should be deposited each year in the routine-community subdivision infrastructure-maintenance account and the capital-community subdivision infrastructure reserve account, determining whether the existing capital-community subdivision infrastructure reserve account balance is adequate to provide for restoration or replacement of the infrastructure by the end of its estimated economic life, and determining what repairs, if any, are needed prior to turnover of the HOA. The HOA shall pay the cost associated with the preparation of the initial community subdivision infrastructure report, and the HOA may pay such cost from the routine-community subdivision infrastructure-maintenance account. The report must be signed and sealed by the engineer, certified to the HOA and provided to the city and to all owners of lots, blocks, and tracts within the subdivision within 15 days after its completion. In the event turnover occurs more than 1 year after the initial community subdivision infrastructure report is prepared, then before the occurrence of the turnover an update of the initial community subdivision infrastructure report shall be obtained and provided in the same manner as the initial community subdivision infrastructure report. Any needed repairs or replacements identified by the report(s) shall be completed by the developer, at the developer's sole expense, prior to turnover.


    Prior to turnover, the developer shall fund or cause the funding of the routine-community subdivision infrastructure-maintenance account and capital-community subdivision infrastructure reserve account to cover any deficiencies in account balances. Not sooner than 15 days and not more than 45 days prior to turnover, the developer shall submit a sworn affidavit along with supporting documentation to the HOA and the city evidencing developer's compliance with the requirements of this section.


    Prior to turnover and prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for 90 percent of the platted lots within the project, developer shall execute and deliver to the city a two-year warranty guarantee agreement with the city along with security in the form of a bond, irrevocable letter of credit or cash deposit covering the private community subdivision infrastructure improvements, in a form approved by the city attorney, and naming the city as primary beneficiary and the applicable homeowners association as a third party beneficiary. The warranty guarantee shall provide for the developer's guarantee of all such improvements, including its materials, workmanship, structural integrity and functionality, and require developer's repair, replacement and correction of damage and defects to such improvements found within the warranty period. The warranty guarantee period shall commence from the estimated date of turnover and end two years thereafter. The maintenance bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be in an amount equal to 20 percent of the then current estimated costs to construct the community subdivision infrastructure improvements, which amount shall be subject to city engineer review and approval.


    If turnover occurs and the foregoing requirements of subsections (a), (b) and (c) have not been fulfilled, the rights of the city, the HOA, any of the HOA's members, and any and all owners of land within the subdivision to enforce these requirements against the developer shall survive the turnover, with the prevailing party to be entitled to attorneys' fees and costs against the non-prevailing party. Notwithstanding the foregoing and without limiting the city's remedies, the city shall be entitled to withhold the issuances of certificates of occupancy and building permits for improvements within the subdivision until such time as the provisions of this section are met.

(Ord. No. 13-12, § 2, 3-14-13)