§ 110-124. Preliminary plat; application, supplementary materials, contents and data required for conditional approval.  

Latest version.
  • The preliminary plat, application, and other materials required by subparagraphs (a) and (b) of section 110-123 shall, where applicable, include existing conditions and proposals, include notes whenever possible to explain, verify or identify additional information that is important to the understanding of the site and the plan of development, and, at a minimum, depict, show, identify, or otherwise provide the following information:


    Boundary lines. Bearings and distances of boundary lines.


    Easements. Location, width and purpose of existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way.


    Streets on and adjacent to the tract. Identification of existing and proposed streets on and adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, including: the name, right-of-way width and location; approximate grades and gradients; cross-sections of typical road sections; type, width and elevation of surfacing; and legally established centerline elevations, walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, etc. Locations of all median openings in the vicinity and access points on both sides of all abutting roadways must also be shown. If applicable, similar information for alleys must be provided.


    Utilities on and adjacent to tract. Identification of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, including: the location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; and location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and streetlights. If water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction and distance to and size of the nearest ones, showing the invert elevation of sewers.


    Ground elevations. Ground elevations on the tract based on U.S. Coastal and Geodetic Survey datum level for land that slopes less than approximately two percent, show spot elevations at all breaks in grade, along all drainage channels or scales, and at selected points not more than 100 feet apart in all directions. For land that slopes more than approximately two percent either show contours with an interval of not more than five feet if ground slope is regular and such information is sufficient for planning purposes, or show contours with an interval of not more than two feet if necessary because of irregular land or need for more detailed data for preparing plans and construction drawings.


    Other conditions on tract. Existing and proposed watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees one foot or more in diameter, houses, barns, shacks and other significant features on and adjacent to the tract to be subdivided.


    Other conditions on adjacent lands. Approximate direction and gradient of grounds slope, including any embankments or retaining walls; character and location of buildings, railroads, power lines, towers, and other nearby nonresidential land uses or adverse influences; owners of adjacent unplatted land; for adjacent platted land refer to subdivisions plat by name, recordation date, and number, and show approximate percent of buildup, typical lot size and dwelling type.


    Photographs. Photographs of the tract to be subdivided may be provided, along with a key map and key numbers indicating camera location and directions of views. The date the photographs were taken shall be provided.


    Zoning. Zoning on and adjacent to the tract to be subdivided.


    Proposed public improvements. Proposed public improvements, highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract.


    Key plan. Key plan, showing location of the tract.


    General information. Present tract designation according to official records in office of appropriate recorder including a complete legal description and tax identification of the lands to be subdivided; title under which proposed subdivision is to be recorded, with names and addresses of owners, notation stating acreage, scale, north arrow, datum, legend, benchmarks, certification of registered civil engineer or surveyor, date of survey. Also include a vicinity map showing relationship between area proposed for development and surrounding properties, streets and public facilities (at a scale of not less than one inch equals 2,000 feet).


    Lots, blocks. The proposed lot lines, lot numbers and block numbers shall be shown.


    Public sites, if any. Identification of the location, size, and purpose of all public sites, if any, to be reserved, conveyed or dedicated for or to the city or public, including, but not limited to, parks, playgrounds, or other public uses.


    Sites, if any. For multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry or other nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings.


    Setbacks. Minimum building setback lines from side, front and rear and bufferyards shall be shown; also, include typical cross-section of bufferyards.


    Site data, including number of residential lots. Typical lot size, and acres in parks, etc.


    Private sites, if any. Identification of the location, size, and purpose of all nonpublic or private sites, if any, including, but not limited to, private roads, drainages systems, recreational facilities, outparcels, gates and guardhouses (if a gated community is indicated), and common areas.


    Limits of floodplain. Indicate flood elevation of 100-year flood as established by the Federal Flood Insurance Administration and as supplemented by the current flood insurance rate map. The actual acreage above the 100-year flood elevation, plus the area below the antecedent water level shall be listed numerically. Useable lot area shall be clearly delineated.


    Dedication and reservations. All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use, such as roads, easements, parks, sidewalks, bike or pedestrian trails, shall be indicated on the plat.


    Fees and deposits. Payment of required fees, deposits and costs as may be applicable or required pursuant to the code, and other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations.


    Other preliminary plans. When required by the planning and zoning department, the preliminary subdivision plat shall be accompanied by profiles showing existing ground surface and proposed street grades, including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision; typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roadway, sidewalk; pedestrian and service easement and preliminary plan for proposed sanitary and stormwater sewers with grades and sizes indicated. All elevations shall be based on a U.S. Coastal and Geodetic Survey datum plane.


    Boundary survey. A boundary survey of the lands to be platted performed and prepared under the responsible direction and supervision of a professional surveyor and mapper shall be certified to and submitted to the city.

(Ord. No. 04-19, § 2(Exh. A), 6-10-04)