§ 10-178. Special exception use approval.  

Latest version.
  • Before an adult entertainment establishment is approved, the planning and zoning board of adjustment shall determine that the creation of the use is in the public interest and, in making this determination, shall be satisfied that:


    The location, size, operating and other characteristics of the proposed establishment shall be compatible with and shall not adversely affect the livability or appropriate development of abutting properties and the surrounding neighborhood.


    No adult entertainment establishment shall be allowed unless it complies with the distance requirements specified in section 10-176 or unless the planning and zoning board waives these distance requirements after finding that all appropriate regulations of this article will be observed, the spirit and intent of this article will be observed, and that the proposed use will not be contrary to the public interest or injurious to nearby properties.

(Code 1988, § 2.5-103)