§ 10-70. Term of license; renewals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Term. All licenses issued under this division, except new licenses, shall be annual licenses which shall be paid for on or before October 1 and shall expire on September 30 of the following year. A licensee beginning business after October 1 and before April 1 may obtain a new license upon application therefor and the payment of the appropriate license fee, and such license shall expire on the following September 30. A licensee beginning business after March 31 and before October 1 may obtain a new license upon application therefor and the payment of one-half of the appropriate license fee required for the annual license, and such license shall expire on September 30 of the same year. This subsection shall not affect any other section of this article.


    Renewals. A licensee under this article shall be entitled to a renewal of his annual license from year to year, as a matter of course, on or before October 1 by presenting the license for the previous year or satisfactory evidence of its loss or destruction to the city clerk and by paying the appropriate license fee. A license that is not renewed by October 1 of each year shall be considered delinquent and, in addition to the regular license fee, subject to a delinquency penalty of ten percent of the license fee for the month of October and any additional month or fraction thereof of delinquency until paid, provided that the total delinquency penalty shall not exceed 25 percent of one license fee. All licenses not renewed within 30 days of September 30 will be revoked by the city clerk, unless such license is involved in litigation.

(Code 1988, § 2.5-30)