§ 10-64. Same—Disqualification.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Noncompliance of premises. No license required under this division shall be issued if the city clerk, as a result of investigations by the building department, the zoning department, the public health department and the fire chief, determines that the proposed license premises does not meet each and every one of the general and special requirements for the type of license applied for as established in this article, or if the proposed licensed premises fails to satisfy all applicable building, zoning, health and fire codes, ordinances, statutes or regulations, whether federal, state or local, nor shall any license be issued on false information given in the application for the license.


    Effect of suspension of license. No license shall be issued to:


    Any individual, partnership or corporation whose license under this article is suspended;


    Any partnership, a partner of which has a license suspended under this article;


    Any corporation, an officer, director or principal stockholder of which has a license under this article suspended; or


    Any individual who is or was at the time of suspension a partner in a partnership or an officer, director or principal stockholder of a corporation, whose license under this article is suspended.


    Violation of law or court order. No license shall be issued when its issuance would violate a statute, ordinance, law or when an order from a court of law prohibits the applicant from obtaining an adult entertainment or occupational license in the city or the county.

(Code 1988, § 2.5-24)