§ 10-63. License—Required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. No adult bookstore, massage establishment, adult motion picture theater or adult dancing establishment shall be permitted to do business without having first obtained a license under this article.


    Classification. Licenses referred to in this article shall be classified as follows:


    Adult bookstore;


    Adult motion picture theater, which shall include adult arcades, places or buildings having adult motion picture booths, places or buildings having a hall or auditorium for the presentation of film material, places designated to permit viewing by patrons seated in automobiles and places or buildings having a combination of any or all of such;


    Massage establishment; and


    Adult dancing establishment.


    Application generally. Each application for a license shall state the classification and location for which it is to be issued. A license may be issued in only one classification and for only one location, but this shall not prohibit an applicant or multiple applicants from filing separate applications for licenses in two or more classifications at the same location.


    Commercial establishments advertising adult entertainment. Any commercial establishment that displays within 100 feet of its premises a sign or other form of advertisement capable of leading a reasonable person to believe that the establishment engages in an activity required by this article to be licensed shall obtain an adult entertainment license for the activity.

(Code 1988, §§ 2.5-23, 2.5-72)