§ 2.06. Streets—Pavement width, depth.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Arterial streets. In a subdivision, arterial streets, as defined and named in article II of chapter 62, shall be paved to a minimum width of 40 feet with a minimum of eight-inch 50 psi subbase; eight-inch soil cement base, prime; and two-inch asphaltic pavement or equivalent.


    Collector streets. Collector streets, as defined and named in article II of chapter 62, shall be paved to a minimum width of 28 feet with a minimum of six-inch 30 psi subbase, six-inch soil cement base, prime; and two-inch asphaltic pavement.


    Minor streets. Minor streets, defined as all streets not indicated as arterial or major streets in article II of chapter 62, and exclusive of alleys, shall be paved to a minimum width of 24 feet with a minimum of six-inch soil cement base, prime; and two-inch asphaltic pavement F.S.R.D. type no. 2 modified to 2,000-pound stability, or equal.


    Mobile home parks. The area occupied by the street in a mobile home park shall not fulfill any part of the area requirements for any lot. All dead-end streets within such park shall be designed to enable a mobile home to reverse direction without having to be backed more than one mobile home length. The depth of streets shall conform as specified for collector streets in subsection (b) of this section, and the width thereof as follows:


    Collector. Thirty-two feet of right-of-way with 24 feet of pavement.


    Minor. Twenty-eight feet of right-of-way with 20 feet of pavement.


    One-way. Twenty feet of right-of-way with 16 feet of pavement.

(Code 1988, § 19-156)